Why I'm starting this blog with Astro (not Wordpress)

December 12, 2023


When it comes blogging, that first thing that comes to mind is something like WordPress due to its user-friendly interface and a vast array of plugins. However, if you’re a developer or a blogger who simply wants a blog with near zero hosting cost, you might be better off using a Server-Side Generation (SSG) solution like Astro. Here’s why:

1. Performance

  • Astro generates static websites, which means your blog is pre-built and served as static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. This often results in faster page loads since there’s no need to generate pages dynamically on the server.
  • One of the primary advantages of server-side generation is performance optimization. Unlike WordPress, which relies on dynamic server requests to generate pages on the fly, Astro pre-generates static HTML files during the build process. This results in faster page loading times and improved user experience, as visitors receive pre-rendered content directly from the server without the need for server-side processing or caching schemes that’s often buggy.

2. Security

  • Static sites, like those generated by Astro, are generally considered more secure because they don’t have dynamic server-side components that can be targeted by common web vulnerabilities. WordPress, being a dynamic platform, may be more susceptible to security issues if not properly configured, updated, and maintained.
  • Search engines favor fast-loading websites, and Astro’s static nature provides a significant SEO advantage. With pre-rendered HTML files, search engine crawlers can easily index content, leading to better search engine rankings. Additionally, SSG enables the implementation of SEO best practices, such as customizable meta tags and clean URL structures, enhancing your blog’s visibility on search engine result pages.

3. Ease of Use:

  • WordPress is known for its user-friendly interface and is a popular choice for users who may not have strong technical skills. It offers a range of themes and plugins for customization without the need for coding.
  • Astro, while not as user-friendly as WordPress, is designed to be developer-friendly and offers a more flexible approach to building websites using JavaScript and other modern web technologies.

4. Flexibility

  • Astro is more opinionated and focused on static site generation with modern web technologies. It might be a better choice if you prefer working with technologies like React or Vue.js and want full control over your site structure.
  • WordPress is highly extensible and has a large ecosystem of themes and plugins that can be used to customize the appearance and functionality of your blog without diving into code.

5. Hosting and Maintenance:

  • Static sites generated by Astro can be hosted easily on content delivery networks (CDNs), providing cost-effective and scalable hosting solutions.
  • WordPress sites may require more traditional hosting with support for PHP and a database. Maintenance tasks such as updates and backups may be more involved compared to static sites.

6. Scalability

  • Static sites can handle high traffic loads well, especially when hosted on CDNs. They’re generally more scalable for larger audiences.
  • WordPress can also scale, but larger websites may require more robust hosting infrastructure ($$$) and additional optimization efforts.

In summary, if you prioritize performance, security, and have a preference for modern web technologies, Astro might be a good fit. If you prefer a more user-friendly experience, a vast ecosystem of themes and plugins, and are comfortable with a dynamic platform, WordPress could be the better choice. Ultimately, the decision depends on your specific requirements and the trade-offs you are willing to make.
